
Da habe ich ja mal was sehr spezielles ausgesucht. 🤣

Da habe ich ja mal was sehr spezielles ausgesucht. 🤣

Da habe ich ja mal was sehr spezielles ausgesucht. 🤣 #kohlrabi #schnitzel #kartoffel #vegan #gaylife #selbstgemacht #kptncook

Juni 06, 2021 @ 17:35

Memories. Kiss for a friend . @swatchtakesmetomacao

Memories. Kiss for a friend . @swatchtakesmetomacao

Memories. Kiss for a friend . #schnitzel #goodtimes #swatchtakesmeplaces

Apr. 23, 2020 @ 04:47

Three months without our schnitzel. I miss you, stinker.

Three months without our schnitzel.  I miss you, stinker.

Three months without our schnitzel. I miss you, stinker. #schnitzel #rainbowbridge #missingyou #labrador

Okt. 25, 2019 @ 08:01

Eight weeks without you…

Eight weeks without you...

Eight weeks without you… #schnitzel #labrador #rainbowbridge #missyou

Sep. 27, 2019 @ 14:56

Today in my office. A new picture on the Wall

Today in my office. A new picture on the Wall

Today in my office. A new picture on the Wall #Schnitzel #Office #Büro #bürohund #missyou #cologne

Sep. 23, 2019 @ 11:08

Four weeks without my Schnitzel. What remains are the beautiful

Four weeks without my Schnitzel. What remains are the beautiful memories. Thank you Schnitzel for the nice years with you.

Four weeks without my Schnitzel. What remains are the beautiful memories. Thank you Schnitzel for the nice years with you. #ilovemydog #rainbowbridge #missyou #schnitzel #labrador

Aug. 23, 2019 @ 09:39

I miss my Schnitzel! A week without you. A week

I miss my Schnitzel! A week without you.  A week of mourning.

I miss my Schnitzel! A week without you. A week of mourning. #memory #schnitzel #ilovemydog #labrador #rainbowbridge

Aug. 02, 2019 @ 06:05

Schnitzel is exhausted

Schnitzel is exhausted

Schnitzel is exhausted #olddog #labrador #schnitzel #ilovemydog

Juli 23, 2019 @ 19:33

After the rain and storm

After the rain and storm

After the rain and storm #sky #clouds #schnitzel #labrador #mönchengladbach #germany

Juli 20, 2019 @ 17:29

Sit and wait

Sit and wait

Sit and wait #Schnitzel #summer #Labrador #outside #enjoylife

Juli 17, 2019 @ 17:35

Evening relax round

Evening relax round

Evening relax round #schnitzel #ilovemydog #eveninground #mönchengladbach #germany #labrador

Juli 14, 2019 @ 17:12

Evening walk

Evening walk

Evening walk #schnitzel #ilovemydog #eveninground #mönchengladbach #germany

Juli 14, 2019 @ 17:11